Het Vlaams Vredesinstituut is een onafhankelijk
instituut voor vredesonderzoek bij het Vlaams Parlement.

Soldiers in the laboratory? Military and civilian research

12:00 - 14:00


Ethics Week 2018 offers the VUB research community a unique chance to respond to changes in research ethics – changes that are themselves a result of our changing world.

Recent policy and political changes have changed the environment for military and dual-use research enormously. This session will address various practical and policy aspects of
military and civilian research.

Presentations: Diederik Cops (Flemish Peace Institute) will talk about the ‘Challenges for funding and support of dual use and military research’.

Other speakers are: Alu Cataldo (Brussels Service for Export Control); Maaike Verbruggen (Institute of European Studies); Zafer Kizilkaya (Political Science)

Location: Red Room (Rode Zaal), Campus Etterbeek
Time: 12:00-14:00

