Theme: firearms
Project SAFTE: Take a look at the project here
Project DIVERT: Take a look at the project here
Project TARGET: Take a look at the project here
Project INSIGHT: Take a look at the project here
Project DIVERT: Firearms theft in the European Union Report
Publication date: 26/05/2021
Project DIVERT focuses on three specific diversion methods; Theft, fraud and non-regularisation. The DIVERT-report you can download below focuses on theft. It is part of a three-part series exploring previously under-researched diversion methods in the EU. Two additional studies deal with firearms diversion through ... read more
Armed to kill: an exploratory analysis of the guns used in public mass shootings in Europe Report
Publication date: 23/06/2016
This report tries to rectify a number of misconceptions about public mass shootings in a balanced way, based on an analysis of the acquisition of the weapons used in such shootings, and have outlined the ways in which political debate ... read more