Feel free to browse through our list of Dutch-language publications.
Changing Democracies: the power of testimonies for democratic education Report
Publication date: 07/02/2025
An important premise of the research project Changing Democracies and this report is that learning from history is problematic when it results in one-sided, moralising narratives that frame history in the black-and-white terms of good versus evil. In the report, that ... read more
Human rights due diligence in the global defence industry: Lessons from other sectors Report
Publication date: 17/01/2025
Defence companies face important challenges when attempting to implement Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD), due to the opacity of the arms value chain and also the fact that the most severe risks are situated downstream, being associated with the (mis)use ... read more
11 November Lecture with dr. Olivia Rutazibwa Lecture
In her lecture, Olivia U. Rutazibwa reflects in 11 excerpts, with examples from current events, literature and with personal anecdotes, on what knowing and commemorating with courage could look like. An unforgettable 11 November lecture that you can watch in ... read more
Project D-TECT: Examining technologies to counter the diversion of components of conventional weapons Factsheet
This analysis examines the growing concern over the diversion of conventional weapons components (CWC) to unauthorized users, a critical issue in modern warfare. It explores the potential of 14 different technologies, such as 2D codes, RFID, and big data analysis, ... read more
Project D-TECT: Assessing technologies to counter the diversion of small arms and light weapons Factsheet
Publication date: 26/06/2024
Based on a series of stakeholder engagements, this second Project D-TECT analysis by Sarah Grand-Clément (UNIDIR) examines the relevance and applicability of 14 technologies to support or strengthen efforts to counter the diversion of small arms and light weapons (SALW). ... read more
Peace in foreign policy: Peace nations in times of crisis Factsheet
Publication date: 11/04/2024
This analysis by Merel Selleslach and Maarten Van Alstein looks at how different states (Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland) and sub-state regions (Catalonia, Emilia-Romagna, Flanders, Hessen, North Rhine-Westphalia, and Wales) in Europe developed a peace orientation in their foreign policy. It ... read more
Firearms and Drugs: Partners in Transnational Crime Report
Publication date: 18/03/2024
The multifaceted links between illicit drug trafficking and illicit firearms present a global challenge requiring a clear understanding and integrated responses. Download the report “Firearms and Drugs: Partners in Transnational Crime” in full and find out more. Global drug trafficking ... read more
The nexus between drug markets and gun violence in the European Union Report
Publication date: 07/11/2023
This background paper written by Astrid De Schutter and Nils Duquet of the Flemish Peace Institute and commissioned by EMCDDA (The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction) shows the central role of the Rotterdam and Antwerp ports in ... read more
European Defence Cooperation: Relevance and challenges for national arms export control policies Factsheet
Publication date: 24/10/2023
Download the integral version of Diederik Cops‘ analysis here. Defence and security are traditionally considered to be exclusive national competences. But more recently, the EU and its Member States have increased European defence cooperation. The initiatives set up to strengthen ... read more
Technologies to counter the diversion of small arms and light weapons, and components of conventional weapons Report
Publication date: 24/08/2023
There are many ways in which technology could help to counter the diversion of conventional weapons. Yet despite some discussions in international meetings on conventional arms control, we see limited evidence of technologies being used to strengthen or enhance efforts ... read more