Project DIVERT: Firearms theft in the European Union
Publication date: 26/05/2021
Project DIVERT focuses on three specific diversion methods; Theft, fraud and non-regularisation.
The DIVERT-report you can download below focuses on theft. It is part of a three-part series exploring previously under-researched diversion methods in the EU. Two additional studies deal with firearms diversion through fraud and non-regularization. We define the theft of firearms or ammunition as the deliberate act to take and remove firearms and/or ammunition of personal property with intent to deprive the legal owner from it.
Project DIVERT is a research project, funded by the European Union’s Internal Security Fund — Police, which focuses on the diversion of live-firing firearms from the legal domain into the illicit sphere within the European Union.
Check out the DIVERT-webpage to register for the DIVERT-webinars and to find out more about the other DIVERT-reports on fraud & non-regularisation.
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