The Flemish Peace Institute is an independent
institute for peace research at the Flemish Parliament.

Project D-TECT: countering the Diversion of arms using TEChnology Tools

3rd D-TECT-publication: Examining technologies to counter the diversion of components of conventional weapons

This new analysis – that will be available here after being presented during a side event at the Tenth Conference of States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty (CSP10) in Geneva on Thursday 22 August (1.15 – 2.45 CET, Room F) – examines the growing concern over the diversion of conventional weapons components (CWC) to unauthorized users, a critical issue in modern warfare. It explores the potential of 14 different technologies, such as 2D codes, RFID, and big data analysis, to counteract this problem across various stages of the weapons’ lifecycle—pre-export, transfer, and post-delivery. While these technologies show promise, the report also identifies significant barriers to their implementation. It suggests focused studies on critical components, stronger cooperation between authorities and companies, and pilot projects to improve the effectiveness of counter-diversion efforts.

Second D-TECT-publication: Assessing technologies to counter the diversion of small arms and light weapons

Based on a series of stakeholder engagements, this second Project D-TECT analysis by Sarah Grand-Clément (UNIDIR) examines the relevance and applicability of 14 technologies to support or strengthen efforts to counter the diversion of small arms and light weapons (SALW). The paper was presented during a side event at RevCon4 on 26 Juni 2024 at Room CR-B at UNHQ in New York and is available here.

Food-for-thought paper

In a first paper, the Flemish Peace Institute and UNIDIR seek to present a needs-driven, systematic, and context-sensitive framework to identify and assess technologies that could strengthen efforts to counter the diversion of conventional arms and related components.
Download the food-for-thought paper here.
This paper was presented during an event at ATT CSP 9 on August 24, 13:15 – 14:45 CET, Room F, CICG  at the ATT CSP9 Conference venue in Geneva. Learn more about the event here.

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Rationale and goals of project D-TECT

Contrary to other industrial sectors, the use of technology to ensure the security of international arms transfers and prevent the diversion of conventional arms, their ammunition and parts and components, is comparatively under-utilised. Yet, technology solutions may improve the monitoring of arms flows and allow for better tracking and tracing of weapons or their components across their lifecycle.

Project D-TECT aims to:

Scope, approach and methodology

Project D-TECT focuses on two specific types of conventional weapons: small arms and light weapons (SALW) and components of conventional weapons (CWC). With respect to the latter, the project will look at components of UAVs and at high-definition electronic components.

The project is made up of two consecutive phases:

Phase 1

Goal: Identify existing technologies applied in other industrial sectors that could be relevant to tackle diversion in the international arms trade.

Activities: Literature review and in-depth interviews, aimed to gather views from a varied set of experts. These have two main aims:

Outcome: Food-for-thought paper which will include a long-list of potentially relevant technologies. These will be subject to an initial assessment by the study team, based on a set of criteria developed during the course of the first phase.

Phase 2

Goal: Substantiate, refine and validate the initial assessment of the identified technologies and to identify the preconditions regarding the practical feasibility for the implementation of these technologies in the international arms trade.

Activities: A set of international workshops with relevant state authorities, industry representatives and other stakeholders.

Outcome: Final report describing
(1) the general conceptual and methodological framework used to identify and assess relevant technologies to tackle and prevent diversion and unauthorized end-use of specific conventional military goods and
(2) the specific conclusions on the feasibility of specific technologies to tackle the selected methods of diversion for SALW and CWC, including recommendations emerging from the findings.

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