Theme: conventional weapons
Project SAFTE: Take a look at the project here
Project DIVERT: Take a look at the project here
European Defence Cooperation: Relevance and challenges for national arms export control policies Factsheet
Publication date: 24/10/2023
Download the integral version of Diederik Cops‘ analysis here. Defence and security are traditionally considered to be exclusive national competences. But more recently, the EU and its Member States have increased European defence cooperation. The initiatives set up to strengthen ... read more
Technologies to counter the diversion of small arms and light weapons, and components of conventional weapons Report
Publication date: 24/08/2023
There are many ways in which technology could help to counter the diversion of conventional weapons. Yet despite some discussions in international meetings on conventional arms control, we see limited evidence of technologies being used to strengthen or enhance efforts ... read more
Due diligence and corporate liability of the defence industry: Arms exports, end use and corporate responsibility Report
Publication date: 10/05/2023
This report (download it in full here) adds new elements to the discussion of due diligence and liability with defence companies as a way of preventing and mitigating the adverse impacts of military exports. Due diligence is a frequently used ... read more
Under the radar: Transit of military goods – from licensing to control Report
Publication date: 25/04/2022
Controlling the transit and transshipment of military goods is essential to secure the legal international arms trade, to prevent diversion and to avoid the undesirable proliferation of conventional weapons. However, the efficient and effective implementation of such controls is for ... read more
Factsheet Flemish foreign arms trade 2017 Factsheet
Publication date: 02/10/2018
In 2017 the licensed value of Flemish arms exports amounted to €106,8 million. In total, the Flemish government issued 126 individual licences for exports or transfers of defence-related goods. These numbers are in line with previous years. Main facts: Licensed ... read more
Advice on the decision to purchase new combat aircraft for the Air Component of the Belgian Defence Forces Advice
Publication date: 16/06/2014
In view of the decision about the purchase of new combat aircraft for the Air Component of the Belgian Defence Forces, the Flemish Peace Institute advises to articulate a comprehensive vision of Belgian Defence, clarify the economic impact and conduct ... read more
Advice concerning the global Arms Trade Treaty Advice
Publication date: 11/03/2013
In the framework of the negotiations concerning a global Arms Trade Treaty in March 2013, the Flemish Peace Institute launched an advice to the Federal and Regional Governments of Belgium, as well as other actors involved in the negotiations, to address ... read more