The Role of Industry in Responsible International Transfers of Conventional Arms: Experiences and Perspectives (with Diederik Cops)
13:15 - 14:30
Our researcher Diederik Cops will participate in this side event of the 2nd ATT CSP9 Informal Preparatory and Working Group Meetings in Geneva.
From arms manufacturers to brokers, freight forwarders, logistics and transportation service providers, banks, insurance companies, and other private entities, industry plays a key role in responsible international transfers of conventional arms and the effective implementation of the ATT. This side event provides a platform for sharing of experiences and lessons learned on effective measures and ways to engage industry to support ATT implementation. It will also highlight risk factors that industry actors could consider in order to determine and implement appropriate measures to promote a responsible international transfer of conventional arms.
Opening remarks:
Ambassador Seong-mee Yoon (Republic of Korea, ATT CSP9 President)
Mr. Rob Hunter-Perkins, Conflict Armament Research
Mr. Ron Thomason, Maritime Security Council
Ms. Aureliana Neacsu, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Romania
Mr. Diederik Cops, Flemish Peace Institute
Ms. Anna Mensah, UNIDIR