6th International Conference on the Observation of Criminality and Criminal Analysis
04/11/2019 - 06/11/2019
All day
On 4 November senior researcher Nils Duquet will give a presentation on the current research on illicit firearms trafficking in Europe at the 6th International Conference on crime observation and criminal analysis in Brussels. In his presentation he will first discuss the existing difficulties related to data collection and analysis on this security phenomenon. This will be followed by an overview of the main findings of recent studies on this phenomenon and he will link these findings to existing and future policy initiatives taken by the EU and national authorities.
More information here: https://cipc-icpc.org/en/latest-news/save-the-date-6th-international-conference-on-the-observation-of-criminality-and-criminal-analysis-in-brussels-4-5-and-6-november-2019/