Theme: conventional weapons
Project SAFTE: Take a look at the project here
Project DIVERT: Take a look at the project here
European Defence Cooperation: Relevance and challenges for national arms export control policies Factsheet
Publication date: 24/10/2023
Download the integral version of Diederik Cops‘ analysis here. Defence and security are traditionally considered to be exclusive national competences. But more recently, the EU and its Member States have increased European defence cooperation. The initiatives set up to strengthen ... read more
Policy brief ‘Strengthening information-exchange on arms exports’ Report
Publication date: 22/11/2018
The Flemish Peace Institute launches a new publication format: its first policy brief. In these policy briefs, the Institute aims to combine an in depth and thorough analysis with a set of specific recommendations to address the findings and conclusions ... read more
Scrutinizing arms exports in Europe: The reciprocal relationship between transparency and parliamentary control External publication
Information on exports of conventional military equipment was traditionally kept out of the public and political realm. In recent decades this gradually changed, and within the EU, Member States are legally bound to publish an annual report on arms exports ... read more