The Flemish Peace Institute is an independent
institute for peace research at the Flemish Parliament.


Feel free to browse through our list of Dutch-language publications.

  • Illegal firearms in Belgium Factsheet

    Publication date: 05/01/2015

    The term “illegal arms” does not say much about the nature of the arms. Whether an arm is legal or illegal mainly depends on who owns, sells or uses it. While most people are prohibited from owning or using automatic ... read more

  • Revising Export Control Lists Report

    Authors: Samuel A. W. Evans

    Publication date: 24/03/2015

    This report by Dr. Samuel Evans explains how the lists of goods (weapons, military equipment, dual-use, …) that are placed under export control are established. read more

  • Advice concerning the transit of strategic goods Advice

    Publication date: 19/11/2013

    Based on a comprehensive study of transit controls in Flanders and neighbouring countries, the Flemish Peace Institute has issued an advice to optimize the legal framework and administrative practices for the transit of strategic goods. Download this file   read more

  • Transit of strategic goods in Europe Report

    Authors: Kathleen Van Heuverswyn, Nils Duquet

    Publication date: 13/08/2013

    This publication contains a detailed description of regulations and administrative practices for controlling the transit of strategic goods in the Flemish Region of Belgium, Germany, France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. For the five national regimes investigated, the description ... read more

  • Flemish Foreign Arms Trade 2012 Report

    Authors: Nils Duquet, Milou Dubois

    Publication date: 25/06/2013

    In this report, Flemish licences for the transfer and for the import, export and transit of defence products are analyzed on the basis of the available figures. In this analysis we focus not only on the total figures, but also ... read more

  • Advice concerning ammunition marking Advice

    Publication date: 13/03/2013

    With reference to a legislative proposal submitted in the Belgian Senate for amending the Weapons Act of 8 June 2006, and in response to the growing attention being given to ammunition control in the international debate on arms trade, the ... read more

  • Advice concerning the global Arms Trade Treaty Advice

    Publication date: 11/03/2013

    In the framework of the negotiations concerning a global Arms Trade Treaty in  March 2013, the Flemish Peace Institute launched an advice to the Federal and Regional Governments of Belgium, as well as other actors involved in the negotiations, to address ... read more