Conference – Reimagining peace: New agendas for research & policy in times of conflict

08/05/2023 - 09/05/2023
12:00 - 15:30
Vlaams Parlement
On Monday 8 and Tuesday 9 May 2023, the Flemish Peace Institute hosted an international conference in cooperation with Tampere Peace Research Institute, Post-Conflict Research Center Sarajevo, Peace Research Center Prague and Peace Research Institute Oslo.
The conference was conducted entirely in English.
Please see this page for a conference report and several recorded sessions.
Monday 8 May 2023 (13.30 – 18.00) – Peace research in times of conflict
12.00: Registration & light lunch
13.30: Welcome by Nils Duquet (director Flemish Peace Institute)
13.45 – 15.00: Thematic break out groups (Every attendee selects 1 session)
Session A: Climate & Conflict
Chair: Halvard Buhaug (PRIO)
- Ingrid Boas (Wageningen University)
- Nina von Uexkull (Uppsala University and PRIO)
- Cedric de Coning (Norwegian Institute of Foreign Affairs)
Session B: Feminist peace research
Chair: Élise Féron (Tampere Peace Research Institute)
- Itziar Mujika Chao (University of the Basque Country)
- Swati Parashar, (University of Gothenburg)
- Punam Yadav (University College London)
15.30 – 16.45: Thematic break out groups (Every attendee selects 1 session)
Session C: Arms proliferation & disarmament
Chair & introduction: Michal Smetana (Peace Research Centre Prague)
- Diederik Cops (Flemish Peace Institute)
- Moritz Kütt (Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy, Hamburg)
- Anna Nadibaidze (University of Southern Denmark)
Session D: Global crisis & local peace
Chair: Velma Saric (Post-Conflict Research Center)
- Tiffany Fairey (King’s College London)
- Marko Kljajić (University of Wisconsin – Madison)
- Maarten Van Alstein (Flemish Peace Institute)
17.00 – 18.00: Keynote speech by Mary Kaldor (London School of Economics)
Register here and follow the speech live on Zoom.
18.00 – 20:00: Networking & walking dinner
Tuesday 9 May 2023 (9.00 – 15.30) – Europe Day: Peace research for policy and innovation
You can follow all interventions between 9.15 am and 12.15 pm and join the Q & A via Zoom. Register once here.
9.15 – 9.30: Welcome by Liesbeth Homans (Speaker of the Flemish Parliament) & Nils Duquet (director of the Flemish Peace Institute)
9.30 – 10.15: Interactive panel discussion- Emerging technologies: impact on peace and security?
Moderator: Sibylle Bauer (SIPRI– Stockholm International Peace Research Institute)
- Lode Dewaegheneire (Stop Killer Robots)
- Frank Kuhn (Peace Research Institute Frankfurt)
10.30-11.15: Interactive panel discussion on post-conflict peace-building: lessons for policy and civil society
Moderator: Keith Krause (Geneva Graduate Institute)
- Charline Burton (Search for Common Ground)
- Owen Greene (University of Bradford)
11.30-12.15: Interactive panel discussion on Europe and peace in the world
Moderator: Jorg Kustermans (University of Antwerp)
- Marko Lehti (Tampere Peace Research Institute)
- Lisa Musiol (International Crisis Group)
12.30 -13.30: Light lunch
13.30 – 15.30 : Next Generation Peace Research
Young researchers present new solutions.
15.30 – 15.45 : Closing remarks