The Flemish Peace Institute is an independent
institute for peace research at the Flemish Parliament.

Lecture: Exploring the Nexus between the illicit arms trafficking and the world drug problem (with Astrid De Schutter)

19:00 - 20:00

Illicit drug trafficking and firearms trafficking are two critical challenges that pose significant threats to global peace and sustainability. Recognizing the intertwined nature of these issues, the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs adopted resolution 65/2 in 2022, calling for strengthened international cooperation to combat these threats. Ágora, in collaboration with the Mexican Government and UNODC, convene this side event during the UN High Level Political Forum, to delve into these complex linkages and explore innovative strategies to address them, contributing, among others, to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions). During her lecture, Astrid De Schutter, researcher at the Flemish Peace Institute, will explore th nexus between the illicit arms trafficking and the world drug problem.