11 November Lecture 2021
20:30 - 23:00
Het Perron
Ypres City of Peace, the Flemish Peace Institute and the In Flanders Fields Museum have the pleasure to invite you to our annual 11 November Lecture on Wednesday 10 november 2021 in commemoration of the end of the First World War.
Registrations for this event have been closed. More info: vredesinstituut@vlaamsparlement.be
History does not repeat itself. Nevertheless, a historical diagnosis can certainly help to orient us in stress situations such as we experience them today. How do people survive in the plate tectonics of war and peace? How do you build or maintain a democratic society in a world under high tension?
According to historian Koen Aerts (UGent, CegeSoma), previously responsible for the scientific supervision of the widely acclaimed television series Children of the Collaboration and Children of the Resistance, the key lies in our imagination. Together with the wind quintet Bois de Vivre, he will embark on a fascinating journey through historical images, art and music.
His quest: to inspire us – even today – to steer our democracy – and all the different opinions and voices within – into a peaceful direction.
Wednesday November 10th, 2021, 20.30 uur
Het Perron – Fochlaan 1, Ieper
20.00 h
Start registration
20.30 h
Welcome by Stephen Lodewyck
Director at the In Flanders Fields Museum, Ypres
20.35 h
Speech by Emmily Talpe
Mayor of Ypres
20.45 h
11 November lecture by Koen Aerts in collaboration with the wind quintet Bois de Vivre
(Lecture in Dutch, English text available)