Theme: dual use goods
International nuclear disarmament and policy options for Belgium and Flanders. Report
Publication date: 21/12/2021
In November 2021 the Flemish Peace Institute advocated in a new advisory report a more active role as a bridge builder for Belgium and Flanders in the field of international nuclear disarmament. Read this report with valuable insights for all ... read more
International nuclear disarmament and policy options for Belgium and Flanders. Report
Publication date: 25/01/2022
In November 2021, the Flemish Peace Institute argued in a new advisory note for a more active role as a bridge builder for Belgium and Flanders in the field of international nuclear disarmament. In this report researchers Lode Dewaegheneire, Veronica ... read more
Flemish foreign trade in dual-use items 2011 Report
Publication date: 19/06/2012
Dual-use items are products and technologies that were not developed specifically for military purposes but which may have a military application. Exports of these dual-use items from Flanders are regulated by EC Regulation 428/2009. This report analyses licences issued and ... read more
The Legal Framework for the Control on Dual Use Items in Flanders Report
Publication date: 25/11/2011
This note gives a clear overview of the legal framework for the control on Dual Use items in Flanders with the aim of developing a view of what policy aspects need to be covered by a Flemish parliamentary Act. read more
Flemish Foreign Trade in Dual Use Items in 2010 Report
Publication date: 01/05/2011
This report analyzes the licenses grant and denied for intra-Community transfers and for exports of dual use items in 2010. read more
Flemish Foreign Arms Trade and Trade in Dual Use Items 2009 Report
Publication date: 17/03/2010
This report analyzes the Flemish Foreign Arms Trade and Trade in Dual Use Items in 2009. read more
The Belgian regime for the control of brokering in military and dual-use items Report
Publication date: 02/03/2010
Brokering is a separate category of activity in the international trade in military. − materials and dual–use goods. Brokers act as intermediaries to facilitate. This report looks into the Belgian framework for the control on military goods. read more